Max Fontani

web developer

linkedIn viber git Meta Platform

Multi-purpose platform host. Micro front-end architecture, React, Observable D3, ChartJS, TypeScript.

My Lib

An online library where users can view, book, and vote for books. React, Redux, TypeScript, MUI.

The Matrix Chat

My original animated chat on React + Node. (instant typing), canvas, Docker.

Mobile bank

A mobile banking app. React, React-Hook-Form, GoogleMapsApi.

Smart Brain

A React/NodeJS project. Face-recognition service featuring a 3rd party API and JWT sessions.

Moji Warz

A restyle of a web game buit on PIXI.js and Colyseus.

Meditation App

A simple Progressive Web App (PWA) for meditations. Vanilla js.


Another React/Node project featuring an SQLite database to fetch user statistics in table and graph formats.

Subs Manager

A Python application project featuring Qt5 and SQLite3. Perfect for personal/small businesses.